; - PLEASE make sure FDM hasn't already been translated into your language
; You should go to FDM web site (http://freedownloadmanager.org) and
; check the list of available languages
; or e-mail to support@freedownloadmanager.org
; - copy this language file to xxx.lng, where xxx is the reduced name
; of your language. For English it is eng
; - translate all strings of xxx.lng into your language
; - send the translated file to support@freedownloadmanager.org
; Translator - FreeDownloadManager.ORG, 2004
; Your language name. Please keep it in English
; Below are the strings to translate:
Save all
Light mode
Medium mode
Heavy mode
Download options
Dial-up connection
About FDM
Status Bar
Optimization master
Default download settings
General settings
Dial-up connection
Hang up when done
Shutdown computer when done
Open Help References Window
FDM homepage
Tell a friend
Send e-mail to support group
Automatically check for updates
Check for update now
Switch to
Traffic usage mode
Site Explorer
HTTP//FTP Explorer
Site Manager
Add download
Start download
Stop download
Schedule download
Add task
Task properties
Download selected files
Add site
Site properties
Groups of downloads
Download Info Area
Scheduler log
Site Explorer log
Side bar
Create new download
Delete download
Launch file
Open folder
Start download automatically
Download properties
Enable task
Disable task
Delete task
Open parent folder
Site Explorer settings
Delete site
Temporary entry
Show main window
Browser monitoring
Clipboard monitoring
Start all downloads
Stop all downloads
All groups
In progress
Create new group
Delete group
Delete all downloads
Delete all completed downloads
Open group folder
Group properties
Group name:
Default folder:
File extensions (space separated):
Default download priority
Very low
Very high
Please enter group name
Input error
Group with the same name already exists. Please enter another name
Please enter folder name
Choose default group folder
Enter group name here
Default folder to save downloads of this group to
File extension for this group. Used to detect the group of download automatically
Default download priority for this group
Cancel changes and close the dialog
Apply changes and close the dialog
Error in download groups
Please reinstall Free Download Manager
Can't load a list of downloads. Possibly it was damaged or is being used by another application
Failed to initialize Internet Explorer integration
Are you sure?
This will delete all group downloads
File name
Time remaining
Auto scroll
Unknown network error
Access denied. Invalid user name or password
Access denied. Invalid password
Can't connect to the server
File not found on the server
Connection with the server was lost
Server does not respond
Unable to resolve the server name
Server does not support download resuming. Don't stop this download; otherwise you'll have to start it from the beginning
Proxy user name and password are required
Extended error
Bad request. Possibly this is a bad URL
Unknown server error
Connection aborted
No Internet connection
Selected HTTP version is not supported by this server
Unknown error
Can't delete file from the disk
Limit of connections to this server is reached
Limit of connections was reached
Pause %d sec.
Download complete
Connection succeeded
Redirection succeeded. Opening new URL
Starting download...
Creating new section...
Restarting download...
Opening file on the disk...
File name is too long
File already exists. Rename to
Rename to
Output file was deleted. Impossible to continue
File already exists. Rewrite
File already exists. Resuming download
File already exists
Failed to open file on the disk
File size was changed on server!
Adjusting for new size...
Can't overwrite file
File will be renamed
Can't rename file back to its original name
Can't save groups
Can't save downloads
Dial-up connection
Connect to:
Dial-up automatically
Choose dial-up entry here
Check this box if you want dial-up to be started automatically next time
Dial-up now
Don't dial-up and close this dialog
No dial-up entries found on this computer
Line is busy
Hardware failure
No dial tone
Opening port...
Dialing to provider...
Connected to remote computer
Verifying user name and password...
Connection speed is %d BPS
User name and password are required
Save to folder:
Save as:
Priority of download
Address of the file you want to download
Enter user name here
Enter password here
Check this box if the server requires authorization
Name of the group to place download into. Groups help you to manage your downloads
Folder to save downloads in
New name for the downloaded file. Leave this field empty if you want to save file with its original name
Short description of download
This download will be started automatically as soon as possible
FDM will not try to start this download automatically
Schedule this download
Configure download schedule
Download priority. Downloads with higher priority will be started first. Downloads with less priority will be postponed
View advanced settings for this download
Entered URL is incorrect. Please check it
Please enter user name
Choose output folder
General information
Download currently saved to the file:
Name of the downloaded file
URL of this download can't be changed
This download is in the progress. Can't change file name
Can't rename file
File not found
Path not found
Invalid .exe format
File is being used by another application
Access denied
Device is not ready
Disk is full
File name is invalid
Login is required
Pause between the connection attempts (in sec):
Maximum number of attempts
Timeout (in sec):
Minimum size:
Maximum number:
Restriction of traffic for this download
Limit traffic
Ignore all restrictions
; second. e.g. KB/s
Enter the value greater than %d
Please select dimension
Waiting time of server reconnection in case of error
Check this box if you want to limit the maximum number of unsuccessful downloading attempts
Waiting time for the server response
Minimum size of section. Download will not be split into sections of a smaller size
Maximum number of sections. Download will not be split into a greater number of sections
Specify how much traffic (maximum) FDM will take for the download
Ignore traffic restrictions and restriction on the maximum number of connections for this download
You can specify value in bytes (B), kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB) in this field
Identify on server as:
Use HTTP 1.1
Use cookies
Use passive mode
Transfer mode
ASCII for the files with the extensions:
Specify how FDM will be identified with HTTP server
This string will be sent as Referrer field to HTTP server. As a rule, it is not required
Check this box if you want FDM to use HTTP version 1.1
Check this box if you want FDM to use cookies
Check this box if you want FDM to use the passive mode for FTP servers. Sometimes it is necessary when working with firewalls
Use the binary mode for FTP transfers. Set this mode if the file you download is not a text one
Use the ASCII mode for FTP transfers. Set this mode if the file you download is a text one
FDM will use the ASCII mode for the files with specified extensions. For other files FDM will use the binary mode
Get proxy settings
From Microsoft Internet Explorer
Specify manually
Don't use any proxy
Please enter proxy address
Please enter proxy port
FDM will take proxy settings from the Internet Explorer
You specify proxy settings yourself
FDM will not use proxy
Choose type of servers for which you want to specify the proxy
Enter address of the proxy you want to use
Enter proxy port here. As a rule, it is 3128, 1080 or 8080
Check this box if proxy server requires authorization
Local file
If the file already exists:
Reserve disk space for downloading file
Additional file extension for uncompleted download:
Internet server
Don't restart the download if resuming is not supported by server
If the file size was changed on server:
Stop on errors
Please specify file extension
Here you may specify what FDM should do if the file already exists on the disk
Check this box if you want disk space to be reserved for download when one is started
If it is checked FDM will append specified extension to a file name while downloading. When downloading is finished FDM renames file back to its original name
FDM will not restart downloading if the remote server does not support resuming
You may specify here what FDM should do if the file size was changed on server
Check this box to stop download when the file was not found on server
Check this box to stop download when user name or password is invalid
Traffic usage modes
Select mode to configure:
Maximum number of connections:
Maximum number of connections per one server:
Restriction of traffic:
Select traffic usage mode which you wish to configure here
Check this box to limit the maximum number of connections
Check this box to limit the maximum number of connections per one server
Specify here FDM traffic (maximum) for downloading files
All downloads
List of downloads
Auto save every
When deleting an incomplete download
Automatically remove completed downloads from list
Don't delete file
Delete file
FDM saves the list of downloads automatically at the specified time interval. It protects the list from possible hang-up of computer or power failure
Specify here what FDM should do with the file on the disk when deleting an incomplete download
Check this box if you want to delete download automatically from the list when finished
Monitor files with the extensions
Ignore files with the extensions
ALT must not be pressed
ALT must be pressed
Please specify extensions
Check this box if you want FDM to catch clicks in the Internet Explorer
Check this box if you want FDM to monitor your clipboard
Monitor for files with specified extensions only
Don't monitor for files with the specified extensions
Monitor only if ALT is not pressed
Monitor only if ALT is pressed
Load on startup
Start minimized
Minimize to tray
Close button minimizes window
FDM will be started automatically when Windows starts
FDM will be minimized after start
When you click the Minimize button FDM will be minimized to tray
If checked, clicking on the Close button will be similar to clicking on the Minimize button
Address of update server
FDM will check for a new version automatically
Network usage optimization master
Welcome to network usage optimization master!
This master will help you to set up optimal settings for your type of connection. It will set the Downloader properties and default properties for the download.
Please select connection type
Specify type of your Internet connection here
Configure FDM for optimal working with your connection
Start time
Next start time
Last start time
Can't load the list of schedules. Possibly it was damaged or is being used by another application
Can't load the Scheduler log
Can't save the list of schedules
Task "%s" was scheduled. Start it?
Changing traffic usage mode to "%s"
Hang up
All connections
Change traffic usage mode to
On days:
At FDM startup
When dialing succeeded
When dialing failed
When no active downloads
When speed less than or equal to %d BPS during %d
When all downloads are in the error state during
Successfully connected to "%s"
Failed to connect to "%s"
Launch succeeded
Out of memory
Can't launch
Schedule execution will cause exiting the program at startup. Schedule will be ignored
Maximum dialing attempts
Pause between attempts
Hang up if connection speed is less than:
Try again
No more than
Use the connection
If successfully
Hang up all active connections
Connection to hang up
Program name:
Type of shutdown:
Force applications to exit
Launch program
Establish dial-up connection
Hang up connection
Change traffic usage mode
Exit FDM
Shutdown computer
Downloads to start
Downloads to stop
All files
Sorry, this feature is available only in Windows 2000, XP and above
Please enter program name
Please select downloads
Select traffic usage mode you want to be set at the task start
Check this box if you want to limit the maximum number of unsuccessful dialing attempts
Time between the unsuccessful attempts
Check this box to establish connection with the speed not less than the value you specified
Specify the value of minimum required connection speed here
FDM will attempt again to establish required connection if you check this box
Check this box to limit the maximum number of unsuccessful attempts to establish connection
Specify required download(s) here
List of all available downloads
Add selected download to the task list of downloads
Remove selected download from the task list of downloads
Specify program you want to launch here
Find program on your computer
Specify program arguments here
Specify type of your session termination here
Check this box to force terminating your session. It is useful if hung applications are in the system. But in this case, all unsaved data will be lost
Specify scheduled action here
Check this box if you want FDM to hang up all active connections
Specify connection to hang up here
On certain days
On event
Low speed:
When downloading speed is too low
When all downloads are in error state
Please specify days
Start the task at specified time
Set the time to start task here
Start the task at specified date
Set the date to start task here
Start the task on certain days of week
Start the task every Sunday
Start the task every Monday
Start the task every Tuesday
Start the task every Wednesday
Start the task every Thursday
Start the task every Friday
Start the task every Saturday
Start the task periodically
This field allows you to specify the time interval in minutes, hours or days
Start the task when some event happens
Specify the event type here
Enter time interval here
Enter minimum required speed here
Confirmation is required to execute the task
Wait for confirmation during
If checked, FDM will ask you to confirm execution of this task
If checked, FDM will wait for your confirmation during the specified time interval. If you will not react during this time the task will be started
Building the list of files to download
Connecting to the server
Trying to use user name and password stored in the Site Manager
Retrieving list of files from server
Connection with the server was lost. Trying to restore
Building list
Retrieve size and last modification date of files
Using this parameter may dramatically decrease speed
Check this box if you want FDM to query size and date of files on HTTP servers
Site name
Can't load the list of sites. Possibly it was damaged or is being used by another application
Can't save the list of sites
Maximum number of simultaneous connections:
Default group for a new download from this site
Use FTP passive mode
Please enter site name
Site with the same name already exists. Please enter another site name
Maximum number of connections must be greater than 0
Please select group
Specify site name here
Check this box to limit the maximum number of simultaneous connections to this server
Check this box to add downloads from this server to selected group automatically
Ask user
Don't ask me again
Disk write error
File "%s" already exists on the disk. What to do?
Don't ask you about this again. Your choice will be accepted by default
Overwrite existing file
Rename this file
Resume downloading. (Downloading will be started at position equal to the size of existing file)
Stop this download
was deleted. Delete file on the disk too?
Please enter user name and password
Login to "%s"
Send the user name and the password you specified to the server
Don't connect to this server
The size of "%s" was changed on the server. What to do?
Restart download from the beginning
Adjust download for the new file size. Not recommended
Please wait
Update using:
Checking for update
You are already using the newest version
Version %s build %s is available
Full distributive of version %s (%s)
Upgrade to version %s
Upgrade to version %s (%s)
Free Download Manager should be restarted. Restart now?
Update done
Can't find updater
Specify the update's type here
Update FDM using full distributive
Update FDM using upgrade distributive
Look for more information about update process
What's new in this version?
Start updating FDM now
Cancel updating and close this dialog
Create downloads
Select content
Unselect content
List of downloads to add
Check the selected folder items to add them to download list
Uncheck selected folder items not to add them to download list
About FDM
Copyright (c)
All rights reserved
Registered to:
Already updated. Restart is required
Invalid user name or password
Can't load history file
Can't save history file
HTML Spider default settings
HTML Spider
Web pages tree
Download web site
Web page downloading settings
Start downloading
Stop downloading
Schedule downloading
Open web page in browser
Start downloading automatically
Web site (page) URL
Delete downloads also?
Can't load the list of web pages
Can't save the list of web pages
URL of web page or HTTP server you want to download from
URL of web page or HTTP server from which downloading was started
Name of the folder to save downloads in
Output folder:
Web pages
Extensions of web pages' files with HTML code:
Download CSS files
Download web pages from other sites
Download images
Download images that link to other sites
Depth of downloading:
Extensions of web pages' files with HTML code. Web pages will be scanned for links of images and other pages to download
If checked, CSS files will be downloaded also. Recommended
If unchecked, web pages of other sites will not be downloaded. For example, if this box is unchecked and you started downloading from http://example.com/, then http://othersite.com/some.html will not be downloaded, but http://example.com/some.html will be downloaded
If checked, web pages' images will be downloaded also
If unchecked, web pages' images that link to other sites will not be downloaded
Depth of downloading. For example, you started downloading from http://ex.com/index.html. There is a link to http://ex.com/some.html from http://ex.com/index.html. Then depth of http://ex.com/some.html will be 1. Setting depth to 0 will result in downloading start page content only.
Download files from web pages
Download files from other sites
Elimination of files by extension
Switch on
Don't download
files with extensions:
Check this box to download files from web pages
Check this box to download files from other sites
Check this box to ignore files with the specified extensions
Files with the extensions specified below will be downloaded if checked
Files with the extensions specified below will NOT be downloaded if checked
Export settings
Import settings
Failed to launch Regedit.exe
An error occurred while trying to export settings
An error occurred while trying to import settings
FDM registry files
Elimination of images by extension
images with the extensions:
Check this box to ignore images with the specified extensions
Images with the extensions specified below will be downloaded if checked
Images with the extensions specified below will NOT be downloaded if checked
Don't download this and delete
Server doesn't support download resuming. Restart from the beginning
Failed to open URL
Sorry, unexpected error occurred while trying to write to the registry
Thank you for registration! Please restart FDM
Download with Free Download Manager
Download web site with Free Download Manager
Add FDM to the browser context menu
Check this box to add items "Download with Free Download Manager" and "Download web site with Free Download Manager" to the browser context menu (menu appears when you right click)
Decrease traffic usage on browser activity
Decrease by one level
Set the Light mode
Check this box to decrease the traffic usage automatically when you are browsing the Internet. This allows you to browse much faster when FDM is downloading something
Traffic usage mode will be decreased by one level. Heavy->Medium, Medium->Light
Traffic usage mode will be changed to the Light one
Valid for
Valid for sub domains
Check this box to use this record for downloading via HTTP
Check this box to use this record for downloading via HTTPS
Check this box to use this record for downloading via FTP
Check this box to use this record for downloads from sub domain servers. For example, for the site http://site.com it will be http://some.site.com
Please select one protocol at least
Maximum number of running downloads
Check this box if you want to limit the maximum number of downloads running at the same time
Restart download
Create one more section
Stop one section
; context: [section x] - Stopped
; tray menu
Drop box
Can't find Opera Plugin directory. Do you wish to specify it manually?
Can't find Netscape Plugin directory. Do you wish to specify it manually?
Can't install Opera monitoring
Can't uninstall Opera monitoring
Can't install Netscape monitoring
Can't uninstall Netscape monitoring
Check this box if you want FDM to catch clicks in Opera
Check this box if you want FDM to catch clicks in Netscape
; create download dlg
Query size
; request the size of a download
Query the size of a download from the server
Yes to all
No to all
Detailed log
If checked, FDM will show responses from the server
Changes will take effect after you restart browser.
List of tasks
List of files
List of sites
List of pages
Deleting downloads
Building the list of downloads
Create batch download
Wildcard bytes:
Sequence start number
Sequence finish number
Sequence step. For example, if it is 10, then sequence will be 0, 10, 20, ...
Count of wildcard bytes. For example, if it is 1, then sequence will be 1, 2, 3. If it is 2, then sequence will be 01, 02, 03.
Click here to look at the generated sequence
Allow the browser to download if you press Cancel
Check this box if you want your browser to download file when you press Cancel in the "Create download" dialog
The final sequence number must be greater than the start one
Please use (*) in the URL to specify template for URL
Create an extension if a file doesn't have one
Check this box to create a specified extension for a file which doesn't have it. For example if the file name is "file" and you specify "txt", the result will be "file.txt"
Show sizes in bytes only
Check this box to show all sizes in bytes instead of kilobytes or megabytes
Perform virus check
Check this box to check downloaded files with antivirus automatically
Specify the name of an antivirus program here
Specify the arguments for antivirus here
Specify the extensions of downloaded files to be checked here
Please enter antivirus name
Name is invalid. Please check it
Launching antivirus
Disable task after execution
Delete task after execution
Check this box to disable task automatically after execution
Check this box to delete task automatically after execution
Generate a file name automatically
Check this box to generate a file name of download automatically
Save with the "htm" extension
Check this box to save all web pages with "htm" extension
Click this button to calculate summary size of all downloads
Keep the server folders structure
Check this button to keep the original server folders structure. Otherwise all files of the server will be saved in one folder
You have selected another folder. Set this folder as default for this group? You can also change the default folder in the group's properties.
; === ADDED LINES ===
Download with this URL already exists. What to do?
Launch the downloaded file
Click here to contact us
Click here to download the latest version
Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Inappropriate to license reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
; === new version ===
Download all with Free Download Manager
Add list of downloads
Remove selected
This is the list of URLs to be added
Click this button to remove all selected URLs from the list
Can't find Firefox Plugin directory. Do you wish to specify it manually?
Can't install Firefox monitoring
Can't uninstall Firefox monitoring
Check this box if you want FDM to catch clicks in Mozilla Firefox browser
Download selected with Free Download Manager
Active downloads
There are no active downloads currently
Use tray "balloons"
Check this box to enable tray "balloon" notifications when a download has stopped or finished. Note: this feature works only on Windows 2000/XP and above
A "balloon" will be closed automatically after the expiration of this time
Automatically search for mirror URLs
Maximum number of mirrors
Calculate mirrors' speed
Recalculate speed every
Check this box to get FDM to search for mirror URLs for each download automatically
Limit the number of mirror URLs per download. This allows you to reduce the mirrors' speed calculation time
Check this box to get FDM to calculate the speed of each mirror server
The mirrors' speed will be recalculated automatically at the specified time interval
Don't search if the file size is less than
FDM will not search for mirrors if the file size is less than the specified size
Don't search if the file size is unknown (Recommended)
Add mirror
Search for mirrors
Add mirror URL for this download manually
Search for mirror URLs for this download with FileSearching.COM
List of mirror URLs
Server speed
In use
Measure mirrors speed
Measure mirror servers' speed
Pop-up Downloads Info
Mirror URL for download
File size exceeds 2GB. Such downloads are supported via FTP only
; BEGIN: New Download page
New Download
Determine group for download automatically
Save download to its group's appropriate folder
Check this box if you want the download group to be determined by extension of file or settings of Site Manager
Set default group manually
Check this box if you want download to be saved to its group's default folder (see Group's properties)
Set default output folder manually
; BEGIN: Monitoring page
Silent monitoring
If checked, the "Create download" dialog will not be shown when adding download from browser
Select menu items to display in the browser context menu
Choose menu items to show
At least one menu item must be chosen
Use sounds
Check this box if you want FDM to play sounds on some events (e.g. when download is completed)
Choose sound for each event
; BEGIN : Customize sounds dialog
Customize sounds
Set sound
List of FDM's events and appropriate sounds. Here you can adjust FDM to play a sound when some event has occurred
Download added - play sound when one or more downloads have been added to the list of downloads
Download completed - play sound when download has been completed successfully.
Download failed - play sound when an error has occurred while trying to download a file.
Dialing succeeded - play sound when Scheduler's task "Establish dial-up connection" has been executed successfully.
Dialing failed - play sound when Scheduler's task "Establish dial-up connection" has failed due to some reason.
Set sound for selected event
Don't play sound when selected event has occurred
Test selected sound
Sound file
No sound
Download added
Download completed
Download failed
Dialing succeeded
Dialing failed
Sound files
Searching for mirrors...
Measuring mirrors' speed...
Searching for mirrors has already been performed
Connecting search server...
Getting results...
There are %d mirrors found
Mirror searching done
Trying another mirror...
There are no mirrors found
Mirrors' speed was measured
; BEGIN: History page
Save history of links and folders
Save history of folders only
Keep records within
Maximum number of records
Clear history
FDM will save history of links and typed folder names
FDM will save history of folders only
FDM will delete records that have existed in the history more than the specified period of time
Maximum number of records in the history. When the number of records exceeds this value, FDM will delete oldest records
Delete all records from the history
Import list of downloads
Export list of downloads
Text files
Can't open a file
Export all downloads
Export all downloads on the list
Export selected downloads
Don't export completed downloads
Append if the file already exists
Invalid group name. Please don't use / or \ symbols.
Exit when done
; BEGIN : Downloads History window
Saved to
Recycle Bin
; BEGIN: Recycle Bin
Clear Recycle Bin
;BEGIN: Recycle Bin properties
Don't place deleted downloads in Recycle Bin
Keep maximum
Don't keep completed downloads
Ask for confirmation when deleting downloads
Recycle Bin properties
Check this box if you do not want to store deleted downloads in Recycle Bin
Check this box if you want to limit the number of deleted downloads stored in Recycle Bin
Maximum number of downloads to store in Recycle Bin
Check this box if you do not want completed downloads to be stored in Recycle Bin after deletion
Check this box if you want FDM to ask for your confirmation when you try to delete a download
Restoring downloads...
; History subitems
One week
One month
; end
Clear History
Save history of downloads
Save history of completed downloads only
Check this box if you want to save history of your downloads
Check this box if you want to store history of completed downloads only
Downloads History settings
Building list of History's records...
; Download was deleted
Was deleted
Choose time range
Find Next
Find what
; BEGIN : Find dialog
Search in
Local file name
Specify what you want to find here
Search in file part of URL
Search in whole URL
Search in comment of download
Search in the name and path of download's file on the local disk
Setup advanced search settings
; ADVANCED settings
Search where
Search in List of Downloads
Search in History of Downloads
Search with specified time
Search in Recycle Bin
Search with specified file size
Search in List of Downloads
Search in History of Downloads
Search only for downloads that satisfy the specified time range
Set the time range
Search in Recycle Bin
Search only for files that satisfy the specified file size range
Minimum size required
Maximum size required
Search in group
Choose the group where search will be performed
Searching download...
There are no items found
There are no more items found
Find done
URL to clipboard
ZIP Preview
At least one file should be selected.
It is possible that the file you are downloading is ZIP archive. Do you want to preview it?
Audio/Video Preview
Failed to open the file.
Unknown media type.
Please install DirectX 8.0 or higher to use this feature. You can download the latest DirectX from microsoft.com.
Media Info
Extensions (divided by spaces, e.g. zip rar arj):
Remove files with such extensions
Leave files with such extensions only
Arguments string does not contain %file% macro. This macro is necessary to give an indication of which file to check to your antivirus program.
Continue anyway?
Use hidden attribute for uncompleted download
Append comment to the file name when done
Do not store server's pages
Check this box if you do not want to store server pages on your computer, but store only files and images
Use ZIP preview
Check this box if you want to preview the contents of ZIP archive at the beginning of downloading to download only part of the archive.
Start download automatically
Check this box if you want FDM to start each new download automatically
Please check the files to download
Set the alternative locations (URLs) for this download
Do not preview in future
You have disabled ZIP preview. If you want to enable it, please go to Options -> Download options (Ctrl+O) -> New Download page, and check the "Use ZIP Preview" box.
Ignore list
List of web pages that should be ignored when downloading a site.
Ignore all subfolders also
; Proxy tab new settings
Use rollback on broken connections
Size of rollback
Check this option if you want to enable rollback feature. This option helps you to protect your downloads from being damaged.
Size of rollback. A greater size will allow rollback to work more safely. Recommended size is 3000 bytes. You can increase this value if your download still remains damaged.
; downloader options -> monitor tab
Don't monitor for files smaller than
Use this option if you want FDM to skip files smaller than the specified size
Warning! Recycle Bin is too large. This may slow performance dramatically. It is recommended to clear Recycle Bin. Would you like to do this?
Don't check this again
Warning! History of Downloads is too large. This may slow performance dramatically. It is recommended to clear History. Would you like to do this?
Server can not guarantee its resuming capabilities. Response is invalid.
Copy to clipboard
; general settings | skins page
Allow skin to use its own icons
Allow skin to use its own bitmaps
; default skin
NOTE: Any changes will take effect only after restart of Free Download Manager.
Show downloads info while in progress
Skip files with extensions:
List of extensions of files to skip
No active downloads
Play sound file when all downloads are completed
Import list of URLs from clipboard
Site Manager options
; Save password dialog
Save password?
Free Download Manager can save password for this server to avoid the necessity to enter it every time you download from this server.
Save this password?
Don't suggest saving any passwords
; Site Manager options | Passwords tab
Use Site Manager to store my passwords
Ask me whether to save password or not
Don't suggest saving passwords
Delete all passwords on exit
Delete all passwords
; create new HTML Spider task
Remove completed downloads from the list (recommended)
Check this box if you want HTML Spider's downloads to be deleted automatically. This speeds up downloading of large sites.
Changes will take effect after restart of Free Download Manager
New Style
Old Style
The directory name is invalid
Hide floating windows in full screen mode
Check this box if you want floating windows to be hidden automatically in full screen mode.
was scheduled to be launched.
Do you want to launch it?
Launch download when it is completed
Please use (*), (*A) or (*a) in the URL to specify template for URL
Mirrors search server:
Stand By
Remember my choice
Suggest changing group's default folder
Save file
Open file
Save file and open it
Download type:
Link to FDM
Link to Free Download Manager
Dear user!
Free Download Manager is a program provided to you free of charge. You can use it as long as you like for free.
However, if you find Free Download Manager useful, we ask you to help us spread it by placing the link to it on your web site. This will let more people know about Free Download Manager.
Thanks for your help in advance,\nFree Download Manager development team.
Remind me in 3 days
Remind me next time I launch Free Download Manager
Don't show me this window again
View link HTML code
Link HTML code
More examples
Copy to clipboard
; "Traffic usage mode has been changed" window
Traffic usage mode has been changed
You have switched network traffic usage mode.\nFree Download Manager has three modes:
In this mode Free Download Manager will download at the maximum speed possible. This is the most aggressive mode.
In this mode Free Download Manager will download at average speed. This mode allows you to browse the Internet and keep the high speed of downloading at the same time.
In this mode Free Download Manager will download at low speed. This mode allows you to download without the dramatic slowing-down of the network.
Rename at Restart
Enter a value less than %d
; export/import downloads
URL List Files
Downloads Information List Files
Export options
Set the date of a file identical to the date specified by the server
Set the same date of a downloaded file as the one on the server
Generate description file
Generate a file with the name "*.dsc.txt" (* - name of a downloaded file) that will contain a small description of a downloaded file (comments + url + date). This file will be generated only for a download that has comments.
This file has been downloaded from
Don't retrieve the file date from the server
This option allows you to increase the speed of starting an FTP download. Free Download Manager will use SIZE command instead of LIST.
Don't save logs of downloads
Enabling this option will make Free Download Manager start and shut down faster and will decrease memory usage.
Export history of downloads
Export all entries
Export all entries on the list
Export selected entries
Export entries about completed downloads only
HTML Files
Free Download Manager Downloads History
URL of download
Downloaded to file
Size of file
Download was completed
Download was deleted
Saved in
File size
Resume support
Close this dialog when download is completed or stopped
Do you want to see this window again?
Yes, but temporarily hide progress window for this download
No, don't show such progress windows for any download
Yes, but don't show progress window for this download
Using the SHIFT key means that this download will be deleted from disk and you will not be able to restore it.\nAre you sure?
Choose group
Set groups' root folder
Select groups' root folder.\nChanges will be applied to new downloads only.
Recent downloads
Pause all downloads
Show downloading progress window
If checked, FDM will create a special window with information about downloading for each running download
; general settings | misc page
Timeouts for confirmations
Launch download
Ask for shutdown type
Confirmation timeout for "Tools | Hang-up when done" command.
Confirmation timeout for "Tools | Exit when done" command.
Confirmation timeout for "Tools | Shutdown computer when done" command.
Confirmation timeout for launch downloaded file when download is completed.
If checked, FDM will ask you for the type of shutdown for "Tools | Shutdown computer when done" command.
Don't ask for confirmation
; 5 seconds, 10 seconds, ...
%d seconds
Wait for my confirmation
Ignore pages from this folder
Download pages from this folder only
Including subfolders
Ignore all web pages located in this folder.
Download pages located in this folder only and ignore other web pages.
Check this option if you want HTML Spider to ignore (or download only) pages located in all subfolders of the specified folder.
Here you should specify URL of the folder.\nExample: "http://site.com/docs/".
Set of numbers
Here you should specify the set of numbers for batch list.\nEx. 1-100, or 1-100s2w3.
Click this button to assign the set of numbers using the dialog window.
Single number
Assign set of numbers
Syntax error
Extract archive
Destination folder
Failed to extract. File format is unknown.
Traffic downloaded this month\n(%s was downloaded in the previous month)
Total speed of downloading
Disable Tools | "when done" task after execution
When enabled, any Tools | "when done" task will be automatically disabled after execution. Therefore, it will be launched only once.
; %s
; 1st - file name
; 2nd, 3rd - file info (size + date).
"%s" file already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace it\n(%s)\n\nwith the new one\n(%s)?
Yes for all
Skip all
Archive format is unknown
Visit web site
Install pack
By default, FDM supports ZIP, RAR and ARJ archives only.\nYou can extend the list of supported archives by installing additional archive support pack for Free Download Manager (Internet connection is required).
FDM archive support pack
Move up
Move down
Move selected download(s) up
Move selected download(s) down
Check file integrity
Some web sites provide special checksums for files available to download in order to allow users to make sure that the downloaded file is not damaged. You can enter this checksum here and FDM will check the file integrity.
Paste from clipboard
Calculating downloaded file's checksum...
File integrity check succeeded
File integrity check failed
File integrity check has been completed successfully.\nThere are no errors found in the downloaded file.
File integrity check has been completed.\nThere are errors found: the file was damaged during the downloading process. It is required to restart the downloading from the beginning.
Don't show this window again if check succeeds
Unable to find the executable file of the antivirus program you've chosen.\nPlease specify it yourself.
Files' sizes are not equal
Save as:\n(Sample: file(*)(*A)(*a).txt)
Invalid save as template specified.\nMake sure it corresponds to the URL template.
When done
When done (all completed or in error)
What's This?
Dear all!
Free Download Manager (FDM) is one of the most popular downloading applications in the world, having millions of active users, but now, when it has become social, we want more!
If you find it as useful and must-have tool as we do, we kindly ask you to help us spread the word by posting a link to it in your blog, website or personal space, such as Myspace/MSN.
; %s will be replaced with "FDM buzz"
Official %s has been started on August 16, 2006. Our goal is to make FDM the fastest-spreading Internet utility after FireFox!
FDM buzz
; %s will be replaced with "blog"
You can track FDM's progress in our %s.
Thanks for your help in advance,\nthe Free Download Manager development team
Don't show me this window again, I have a good memory.
Join the buzz
No, thank you
FDM Community
Switch to "Opinions" after download
If enabled, "Opinions" tab will be automatically activated when download is finished.
Modify Internet Explorer's network identification
If enabled, this will instruct web sites you browse that Free Download Manager is installed on your program. However, using this option may result in blocking of some sites.
Check if any of Free Download Manager's users reported this download as containing virus/adware/spyware/etc.
OK, none of Free Download Manager's users reported this download as malicious.\n\nHowever, this does not guarantee that this download is not malicious and it is recommended to check it using some antivirus program.
; keep all %xxx, \n as is.
There are %d of %d of Free Download Manager's users reported that this download is malicious.\nThe average rating for this download is %.*g.\n\nShow opinions about this download?
Check each new download before downloading if it is malicious
Use this option to get FDM check automatically, before downloading, if any of users reported this download as malicious.
Display opinions when downloading
If enabled, FDM will activate "Opinions" tab automatically and show opinions about download when downloading.
Checking if download is malicious (see options to disable this)
OK, nobody reported that it is malicious
Warning! Somebody reported that this download is malicious
Don't download this
Cache the operations of writing the downloaded data to disk
If enabled, FDM will use internal cache buffer with the size you specified for operations of writing the downloaded data. This will reduce the number of times your HDD is used. This may increase the speed of downloading for high-speed connections.\nHowever, because downloaded data is not written to HDD immediately, it will be required to re-download this data again if a computer failure occurs (at worst, you will have to re-download as much data as you specified for the cache size).\nRecommended for high-speed connections.
Check this box if you want FDM to catch clicks in Mozilla Firefox browser
Check this box if you want FDM to catch clicks in SeaMonkey (Mozilla Suite) browser
Allow the browser to download if you press Cancel
Check this box if you want your browser to download file when you press Cancel in the "Create download" dialog
Add FDM to the browser context menu
Check this box to add items "Download with Free Download Manager" and "Download web site with Free Download Manager" to the browser context menu (menu appears at right click)
Select menu items to display in browser context menu
Can't install Firefox monitoring
Move files to folder
Speed is too low. Restarting section...
Restart if speed is too low during (in min):
Restart section if downloading speed decreases dramatically.
Would you like to see such download progress windows again?
Sorry, this service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
Move top
Move bottom
Place download at the top of the list
Check this option if you would like the download to be placed at the top of the list of downloads.
Monitoring in Firefox browser can't be enabled because FlashGot extension is installed.\nYou should uninstall FlashGot first.
If the Pause all downloads mode is enabled, it will be disabled, otherwise it will be enabled.
Official %s will be started on August 16, 2006. Our goal is to make FDM the fastest-spreading Internet utility after FireFox!
Automatically download and install updates
Notify me only when update is available
Turn off automatic updates
Now monitoring is enabled in %s.
Delete record
OK to delete?
There is no write access to Free Download Manager's folder.\nYou should grant write access in order to allow Free Download Manager to save its data files, otherwise all data will be lost after the restart of Free Download Manager.
This small box allows you to drag&drop links from your browser into Free Download Manager.\nIt allows to quickly show or hide Free Download Manager's window with a left button double click.\n\nIn order to hide it, right click on it and uncheck "Drop box" menu item.
Free Download Manager's Drop box
Disable all notifications for batch downloads
Check this options in order to disable all (balloon, sounds) notifications for downloads created by "%s" command.
Skip list
Specify the list of files extensions and the list of sites that should not be monitored.
Don't catch download from these sites (space separated):
Free Download Manager will not monitor downloads from the sites specified in this list. Specify domain names here (e.g. "site.com"). You may use '*' symbols.
Warning!\nAn error occurred while trying to perform virus check.\nWould you like to launch downloaded file anyway?
Perform the integrity check when file is downloaded
In order to perform the integrity check Free Download Manager should know the valid checksum of the file. In most cases you should provide it for each download.
If the check failed
Valid checksum of this file
Do nothing
Specify here what FDM should do when the integrity check fails.\nAsk - FDM will ask you what to do.\nRestart - FDM will restart this download from the beginning.\nDo nothing - FDM will add the record about fail check to the downloading log file and will not do anything more.
Performing integrity check...
Integrity check succeeded.
Integrity check failed!
Specify integrity check algorithm.
Valid checksum
Result checksum
; zip preview window
Check/uncheck all
; group's properties dialog
name of the server (e.g. "freedownloadmanager.org")
path to the downloading file on the server
current year
current month (number from 1 to 12)
current day
; don't translate "%year%-%month%-%day%" here
equivalent to "%year%-%month%-%day%"
From Mozilla Firefox
FDM will take proxy settings from Firefox
; new download settings
Use this group
; Downloads -> Schedule ->
Schedule download start
Schedule download stop
; downloads that are not completed or have been completed recently
Not completed+Recent
Parent group
; create new download dialog -> set output folder as default dialog
Set as default for all the groups of downloads
; %s - place of name of the group. don't change this
OK to set this folder as the default output folder for the "%s" group?
Clean up the list of the downloads
Upload files
Start uploading
Stop uploading
Schedule uploading
Move selected upload(s) up
Move selected upload(s) down
List of uploads
Retrieving destination upload URL from the base server...
; outlook express: view | insert file | ...
As attachment
As link (upload)
Add files
Add folder
Enable BitTorrent protocol support
Limit upload traffic
Limit the number of upload connections
Use ports in the range from
Enable DHT
Enable/disable BitTorrent protocol support. However, if there are any BitTorrent downloads in the list or in FDM Recycle Bin, BitTorrent protocol will not be disabled completely.
Limit the maximum total speed of upload connections. This is not recommended for BitTorrent protocol and may reduce your download speed.
Limit the maximum number of total upload connections. Setting a too low number may result in decreasing of your downloading speed.
Specify here the range of ports that FDM will use for upload connections.
Enable DHT extension (download without using the tracker). Enabling this option will affect the increase of network traffic usage.
Login is required for the tracker
Add BitTorrent download
An error occurred while trying to process this torrent file.
Torrent file
It seems that you would like to download a .torrent file. It's required to enable BitTorrent support in Free Download Manager to do this.\n\nWould you like to enable BitTorrent?
Retype your passwords: passwords you've typed do not match.
Specify the files you would like to upload.
Upload properties
Metalink info file has been detected. Continue downloading.
BitTorrent info file has been detected. Continue downloading.
Failed to access the files on the disk.
Connecting tracker...
Failed to receive the valid response from the tracker.
Response has been received from the tracker successfully.
Hash check of the part of download has failed. Redownloading it...
Grant all bandwidth for this download
Disable Free Download Manager automatic loading at Windows startup?
Sorry, FDM Community service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
Name of the file should not contain any of \ / : * ? " < > | symbols. Please enter another name.
Name of the folder should not contain any of : * ? " < > | symbols. Please enter another name.
Customize floating windows...
Keep all data files in the current user's folder
Keep files in this folder
Changes will be applied after the restart of Free Download Manager.
Show download progress window
Create portable version
Portable version of Free Download Manager can be used on different computers without the need to install and configure it on each computer.\n\nIt can be conveniently placed on a flash disk, for example.\n\nOnce launched, it registers itself in the computer's system and integrates to browsers. At exit it will unregister itself automatically.\n\nSpecify here the path where you would like to create this version. It should be a folder on some removable drive.\n\nE.g. "I:\My portable programs\".
Associate Free Download Manager with .torrent files
Always use this group for new downloads
Always use this group and remember the last output folder each time
Flash video downloads
Download video with Free Download Manager
This site is not supported. See the list of supported sites.
View in Downloads window
This is the page with flash video. Downloading flash video...
Convert options
File format
Video size
; video quality
Very low
Very high
AVI using MPEG-4 (*.avi)
AVI using XVID (*.avi)
Don't change
Video bitrate
Audio bitrate
Remember settings as default
Create flash video download
Automatically convert downloaded video to the specified format
Setup advanced options
View list of supported sites
; used in "create flash video download" window
Next attempt to connect to tracker in %d seconds
Preparing files on the disk... This may take several minutes
Preparing files on the disk...
MP4 for iPod/PSP (MPEG4 + AAC, *.mp4)
Media preview/convert
Convert media file
Switch to this tab automatically
;keep "\n\n%s\n" as is
Media file has been converted successfully and stored in\n\n%s\n.
Failed to convert media file\n\n%s.
Group for new download
Info hash
Tracker status
Upload speed
Bytes uploaded
Share ratio
Wasted byte count
Torrent file URL
Are you sure?\nThis will restart the download from the beginning.
Traffic used ("downloaded"; "uploaded") this month\n(%s was used in the previous month)
Total speed ("download"; "upload")
Files to upload
Package name
Set password for this download
Keep these files
Supposed number of downloads
Add link to these files in our catalogue
Include advanced information (all fields are optional)
Your name
Your email
Receiver's email
Less than 10
From 10 to 100
More than 100
2 days
7 days
1 month
;compression methods
Uploader settings
Integrate uploader into
Explorer's context menu
Explorer's "Send To..." menu
Use simple upload menu
Minimum size of file to upload
HTTP proxy settings
Upload activation
Upload requires activation. This is required in order to protect our server from automatic uploads. Enter activation code.
Connecting to upload server
Successfully connected to upload server
File has been uploaded to server successfully
File upload was stopped
Creating zip archive of uploading files...
Failed to create zip archive
Zip archive has been created successfully
Sending the request to server
Sending information about this upload to server
Information has been sent
Failed to send information about this upload to server
Activating upload...
Upload has been activated successfully
Failed to activate upload
Upload file was changed on the disk
Unexpected error
Calculating checksum...
; "I agree to terms" string in two lines
I agree to
You must agree to terms.
Failed to check for updates
New version is available. It is required to update your version.\nWould you like to update now?
Update of Free Download Manager is required
Restart of Free Download Manager is required
Prompt me to upload attachments
Attach to the letter (slow)...
Upload and insert link (lightning fast)...
An error occurred while trying to start uploading. Check your connection or try again later.
You have attached large file(s).\nDue to many reasons it's recommended not to send large files as attachments, but upload files and send links to them.\n\nWould you like to upload?
Upload is recommended
Integration settings
Upload of %s has been completed.\nYou should use the following URL as the download link:
Total size
Open in the browser
Current version of Free Download Manager cannot longer be used to upload files. It's required to update it.
Current version of Free Upload Manager cannot longer be used. It's required to update it. Please visit freedownloadmanager.org site.
Too long input.
Upload manager integration settings
Free Upload Manager integration settings
Downloading update...
Enable seeding
Disable seeding by default
Consider download malicious if minimum
% of users marked it as malicious
OK, Free Download Manager's users did not report this download as malicious.\n\nHowever, this does not guarantee that this download is not malicious and it is recommended to check it using some antivirus program.
OK, FDM's users did not report that this download is malicious
drive letter FDM was started from. E.g. "C:". Is useful for portable version.
You should install Video Conversion plugin in order to use this feature.
You should install BitTorrent plugin in order to download via BitTorrent protocol.
Note: these files (*.sav) are Free Download Manager's service files (not the files you download).
Would you like to copy current data files to a new folder (existing files will be overwritten)?
Default download folders of all groups will be set to this folder.\nOK to continue?
Set default download folder
Prevent computer from stand by while downloading
Maximum number of half-open connections
Failed to access the files on the disk. Check if disk is full or write protected.
List of torrents
Add torrent download from web
Add torrent download from file
Create new torrent
Piece size
Add tracker
Remove tracker
Start seeding this torrent
Create new torrent
Torrent files
;normal/high priority
Floating windows
Service files (list of downloads, history, etc.)
Default settings for site downloads
You have paused all downloads. This means all downloads will download at a very low speed (1B/s usually).\nThis allows to "pause" even downloads with no resume support.\n\nYou should call this command again or restart FDM in order to return to normal state.
Enable seeding (highly recommended)
Unlimited seeding
Limit by ratio
Seed until ratio will be
Limit by time
Seed during
Check if download with the same URL already exists
Save history of downloads
List my most recently downloaded files
Default settings of BitTorrent downloads
Restart completed downloads
Specify Firefox's portable version folder.
Can't find Apple Safari Plugin directory. Do you wish to specify it manually?
Can't find Google Chrome Plugin directory. Do you wish to specify it manually?
Can't install Apple Safari monitoring
Can't uninstall Apple Safari monitoring
Can't install Google Chrome monitoring
Can't uninstall Google Chrome monitoring
Time Limit
;hours, for shprt
Limit time when FDM can start downloads
Allow to start only from
Normal priority
High priority
No timeout for download completion balloons
Check if a new download is the mirror for existing one
Show small notification windows on downloads completion
Automatically hide after
Like FDM? Try Personal Informer!
The latest version of FDM comes with a free bonus: Personal Informer.
It places quick links to all your
favorite sites
; next line means --- after you start _browser_. "_browser_" will be Internet Explorer or Firefox
on your homepage, so that you can access them right after you start
; \n means next line. don't change this.
We will analyze your browsing history and show you the list\nof the web sites you visited we think you might like\nto have on your webpage. You will we able to customize\nthe list then.
Are you sure? The whole process is going to take less than 1 minute and give you a really powerful home page.
Still Cancel
Do you want us to remind you in a few days?
Monitor flash video downloads in browsers
Using this feature can cause conflicts with other software installed on your PC. If you experience problems you will have to disable this feature in FDM or try to resolve conflicts by removing conflicting software or disabling some of its features.
Web page
Flash videos found on this page
You should enable monitoring of flash video downloads for this. See Options | Downloads | Flash Video.
Enter the URL of the web page you want to download flash videos from. Note that this page must already be loaded in your browser and videos should be playing.
Searching flash videos...
There were no flash videos found on this page. Make sure the videos on this page are playing or try to reload it (refresh page or clear browser's cache).
; keep "0x%x" as is
An error occurred while trying to get downloads.\nError: 0x%x.
Show "Download It" button
(Internet Explorer only)
Failed to found information about this web page. Please force your browser to reload it.
Flash Video
Limit the maximum number of connections
This will disable FDM tips. Are you sure?\nYou can enable tips again in Options | Notifications settings.
Show Tips
Error! Update file is not signed by FreeDownloadManager.ORG.
; Also, please download and translate this file:
; http://freedownloadmanager.org/tips-eng.txt
; Note, that it's UTF-8 encoded file (use Notepad.exe to edit).
; and do not change text in tags (between "<>", e.g. "<a href...>")
; Send translated file to support@freedownloadmanager.org.
(Internet Explorer and Firefox only)
Show "Download It" button
Flash video monitoring module is not loaded. Make sure FDM is running and you've enabled this option in FDM (see Options | Downloads | Flash Video).
; do not change "0x%x"
An error occurred while trying to transfer downloads to FDM.\nError: 0x%x.
Download It
Show This Button
There are no downloads to export.
There is nothing to export.
after "silent" creation
You'll need to provide administrator permission to enable/disable monitoring.
An error occured while trying to enable/disable integration.
Not enough rights
You'll need to provide administrator permission to export/import settings.
Download with FDM
; please keep %d, %s and %% as is
; %d - percents
%d%% downloaded in total
; left to download at... some speed
%s left to download at
Path to user profile folder.
Import uTorrent downloads
uTorrent save folder not found!
FDM can import all your existing uTorrent downloads. Would you like to import?\nYou can do it in any time later by using File | Import | uTorrent Downloads menu.
FDM can import all your existing uTorrent downloads.\nYou can do it in any time later by using File | Import | Import Downloads from Other Managers menu.
Import Downloads from Other Managers
Orbit Downloader
Cannot find the path to the Orbit Downloader's application data.
Cannot detect the path to the Orbit Downloader's application data.
Error: %d (%02X)
System diagnostics: %s
Cannot find the Orbit Downloader's service file that contains the downloads list.
Cannot read the Orbit Downloader's downloads list.
Cannot parse the Orbit Downloader's downloads list. The downloads list has an unexpected format.
Failed to create and configure %d download(s) by a path, file name and URL imported from the Orbit Downloader.
Cannot import the downloads.
There is no data in the Orbit Downloader's download list!
The Orbit Downloader is not installed on this machine!
The import of the downloads from the %s has been stopped because of the following error.
Would you like to continue the import from other managers?
%d of %d
Choose the managers which you want to import the downloads from:
FDM can import downloads from other managers. Would you like to import?\nYou can do it in any time later by using File | Import | Import Downloads from Other Managers menu.
Details: %s
Cannot process a peer request.
Fatal error occurred while loading the list of downloads.\nClick OK to continue (some or all downloads will be lost) or CANCEL to exit.\nThis problem can be caused by incorrect installation of FDM or damaged data file.
Invalid installation: installed Bittorrent module can't be used with this version of FDM.\nPlease reinstall.\nClick OK to exit.
; %d - is the number
%d peers received
Such Bittorrent download exists already
You'll need to provide administrator permission to apply settings.
Determine automatically
Connection speed
Settings for traffic usage modes
% of connection speed
Manage automatically
; set some setting (maximum number of connections, for example) to some number
Set to
The current connection speed is measured by FDM automatically. If you suspect that the values are incorrect, just let FDM keep on running and you should see the calculated numbers get closer to the real values. Note that FDM measures the speed only when it's downloading/uploading. The greater the number of downloads/uploads, the better FDM detects the actual connection speed.
Download speed
Measure again
Specify value
The value must be greater than or equal to zero.
Specify in bits instead of bytes
Create RTSP or MMS download
Live Streaming
Abort All
Tried to move the file:\n %s\n\n to the destination folder under this name:\n %s\n\n%s: %s\n\nPlease close all applications that may be using this file.
Unsupported content-encoding
Select all
Reset all
Administrator rights are required to integrate FDM into Internet Explorer. Choosing "Cancel" will integrate it partially.
; %s will be replaced with the actual browser name
Can't delete the browser plugin while %s is running. Please close the browser and click OK to continue.\nClick Cancel to postpone the deletion of the plugin to system reboot.
Can't delete the browser plugin for %s. It will be deleted on system reboot.